we see what we want to see
at a traffic light
or by the beach
or cruising eighty miles an hour
down a dusty highway
in the middle of nowhere
with nowhere to go.
and it comes as no surprise
that each comparison
pulls us further and further
from any hope of truth,
and each judgment about the world
just another nail
in our future coffin.
you ask what i’m thinking
while the tv drones on
about some war
or toxic waste
between commercials
for beer and tooth paste
but not in a million years
do i dare to share
thoughts which perpetually
pass through this mind of mine.
stray from the track
trodden down
by centuries of blind faith
and you’ll get labeled,
herded and hurled
from the parapet —
but for a sensitive soul
your sensible world seems
more and more senseless
each passing hour,
each passing day,
and for all the life
left in me
i can’t call your sanity