One Night
“Is it good?” Her voice echoes in my ear arriving from unknown city streets blanketed with snow. I nod and smile as...
part of the game
i don’t imagine dinosaurs could conceive of their imminent extinction — whether from a flaming comet crashing into the gulf of mexico...
a study of stones, their rough and tumbled surfaces pockmarked black and gray as they glisten in the sun. i have no...
Sailing In
An evening rain taps on my bedroom window, its staccato rhythm in tune with deeper forces palpable beneath the surface yet painfully...
the sweetest note
“do you love me?” a breath heavy with sleep whispered into night. i rolled on my side and fought back the tangled...
morning fog hangs low over the trail as i run, the faint yet familiar path leading me deeper into memory. on both...
into mud
maybe infinity finds it impossible to take root here torn between shifting tides and so much mud — how every attempt at...
vespers (ii)
the sun dips below faraway hills while scattered clouds flame into lavenders, pinks and grays. a flight of swallows overhead calls me...