from the sea
come close my love and forget cruel ocean which sought to drown our flame beneath cold waves hurled relentlessly against the rocky...
her raging seas
brush and weeds burn, transformed into heat and glowing coals. i sip a coke and poke at embers, hoping to spark a...
Twilight on Flagler Beach
Breakers crash relentlessly against the old pier’s weathered pilings. Behind me a line of cars with headlights on inch single-file along the...
so achingly close
the argument before brush ever stroked canvas. words spoken in haste welling up from someplace dark and deep and spilled out across...
april rain
another gray morning greets the day as ice-cold gusts sheet my window with heavy rain. corrugated tin overhead thunders in time with...
the heron’s cry
Somewhere beneath thick morning mist and sailing calm blue waters on Shelekhivske lake you can hear their calls but only if you...
a soul laid bare
late august sunshine pierced parted curtains and transformed into splashes of chalk, pale yellow and gold. she emerged from her indigo past...
by the garden gate (a reprise)
framed in white lilies she stood by the garden gate. shafts of late afternoon sunshine slanted through trees and landed across her...